Monday, February 27, 2017

You have just joined the Senate and/or House of Representatives...
Act like you are not in Congress. And you are proposing your own Bill. If you could create your very own law, what would it be? What would it look like?

Now's your chance...

You can write a bill for the NATION or the STATE - your choice.
  • RESEARCH [whether your bill proposal already exists or not - if it does, could you improve on the existing proposals or modify yours to handle a more specific issue? OR show that yours is completely unique...]
  • WRITE IT [using the form provided in class, write your Bill; you must also number it to the most current (at the time) number of either Senate (S) or House of Representative (HR) Bill number]
The rubric and assignment description sheet will be passed out this week in class or you can obtain another copy here. The writing format is also located here, in case you lost yours, or wish to use a .doc file. [NOTE the number needs to be changed to the 115th Congress]

This assignment is not due until Wednesday, March 8th - so you have time to think and work on it. Be creative - and persuasive!

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